Diana Goodman-McDaniel
SIGND Autographed Collectible Item +
QR Linked Personalized Video Message
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Get this one of a kind exclusive SIGND collectible item from Diana Goodman-McDaniel. Delivered in our custom SIGND box, imagine the excitement when you open it to reveal this gift. Adding to the experience is the addition of a unique QR code that, when scanned, displays a personalized video for the recipient. Your experience is forever immortalized and attached with the memorabilia.
About Diana Goodman-McDaniel
Diana Goodman dated Elvis Presley in 1975. She was a Georgia State Cheerleader, Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader, 1975 Miss Georgia USA and a Hee Haw Honey. Diana has written a NEW Book “Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights” available on all of the online booksellers
Gift The Moment
Unique memorabilia with one-of-a-kind video messages